The single cable technology is used (in contrast to the classic multi-switch technology) where several receivers are to be operated independently of one another on a single common coaxial line. There are two standards:
Each receiver is assigned a so-called user band on the common coaxial line. The user band is a frequency resource with a certain bandwidth and numbered with an identification (user band ID). The combination of center frequency and ID is determined by the converter (= single cable multi-switch) and must be entered correctly once in the receiver (TV, STB or measuring device). The receiving part of the receiver remains permanently tuned to the user band frequency.
The receiver uses special DiSEqC commands with its user band ID to tell the converter (1) which program (i. e. which polarization and which center frequency of the desired satellite transponder) the single cable converter must put into the assigned user band of the receiver (2).
The combination of user band ID and frequency is not standardized and therefore manufacturer-dependent!
Each user band ID number may only be used once per multi-switch output / coaxial line.
Due to the nature of the system, single cable setups are not suitable for multi-apartment installations without special measures. This is only possible in connection with the special, programmable antenna sockets (for example AXING SSD 6-x).
If the user band frequencies in a system are not known or if you do not want to enter them manually, the UB frequencies can be read out or automatically found, respectively, by the MG 1-00 measuring device (see MG 1-00 operating instructions).