AXING Application Note
With the optical CATV transmitter, the optical 4-way upstream receiver, the optical de-/multiplexer and the micro fibre nodes, Axing offers a complete fibre optic transmission link for downstream and upstream. The fibre optic technology uses 1550 nm in the downstream and 1310 nm in the upstream.
These components can be used to realise small to medium-sized solutions in the hospitality sector, for campus networks or small HFC networks. They are a real problem solver if, for example, the optical fibre simply ends in the basement or in a connection room on the property, campus or HFC cluster. We will introduce you to these components using a realised application.
TV coverage and building digitisation via fibre optics
The buildings are supplied with TV programmes via three MK 16-00I headends, for example. These receive 3 x 16 satellite transponders and convert them into 48 DVB-C downstream channels. Using remux and crossmultiplex functions, programmes from different satellites and transponders can be freely combined. The CMTS (1-00N or 2-00) provides DOCSIS upstream and downstream channels for up to 250/500 cable modems.
Both the DOCSIS and the TV downstream channels are converted into fibre optic signals by the OTX 1550-10, multiplexed via the OMX 1513-01 and distributed to the buildings via the OVE 3/4-03 (FTTB/FFTH). In the buildings, the ONX 1550-01 micro fibre nodes convert the light wave signal back into RF so that the content can be distributed in the building. Connected cable modems transmit on the return channel from 5 … 65 MHz. These upstream signals are converted into light waves by the Micro Fibre Nodes, demultiplexed by the OMX 1513-01 and received by the optical 4-way upstream receiver and converted back into RF. These upstream channels are then distributed to the CMTS, which provides the connection to the Internet backbone.
With this solution, you receive all components from a single source – from the satellite antenna to the headends, the CMTS and the optical transmission through to the cable modem – namely from AXING.